Rebel Mama Health and Wellness: Christian Health Coaching, Women’s health coaching, Mindset change, Weight loss over 40, Emotional Eating
Hey Mama, Are you tired of this never-ending circus of starting your diet every darn Monday only to end up at the drive-thru by Wednesday? You know what you’re *supposed* to be doing, but for some unknown reason, you just can’t stick to it. Well, let me tell ya, I’ve been in the same boat! I know the struggle of lugging around those extra pounds and feeling completely defeated. But guess what? I managed to do a complete 180 on my mindset when it comes to food and weight loss, and now I’m here to spill all the juicy details and teach you how to do the exact same thing. (Here’s a’s not about the food ;) In this podcast, we’re not gonna waste our time on stuff like counting calories, obsessing over macros, munching on fake foods, or slaving away at crazy intense workouts. And forget about those ridiculously low carb diets, too. Nope, not for us! Instead, I’m going to equip you with some seriously powerful tools that have helped incredible women just like you lose that weight once and for all without quitting your favorite foods, eating different than your family, or being “the weird one” with your family and friends. In this podcast, you will learn how to stop talking to ourself like a jerk. How to have compassion. How to like yourself RIGHT NOW. You will also what to do when your husband is a jerk, your best friend is a food pusher, and your mom is giving endless unsolicited advice, and your kids just want you to eat ice cream with them. How to you love yourself to a weight that is comfortable and sustainable FOR YOU. You will learn how to stop raiding the pantry like Yogi Bear at 9pm because you are exhausted. If you are ready to kick dieting to the curb and embrace a whole new way of honoring your mind and body and getting well for the long haul, you are in the right place!!! 𝔾ℝ𝔼𝔸𝕋 ℙ𝕃𝔸ℂ𝔼 𝕋𝕆 𝔾𝔼𝕋 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕋𝔼𝔻 𝕀𝕊 𝕋𝕆 𝔾𝕆 𝔻𝕆𝕎ℕ𝕃𝕆𝔸𝔻 𝕄𝕐 𝔽ℝ𝔼𝔼 𝔼-𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂, ”Rebel Mama’s Guide to Weight Loss” @ !!! Send me an email @!!! Follow me on Facebook @ Join my FREE private group @
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Sometimes we judge others based on their actions while we judge ourselves based on our intentions. We hold others to a higher standard than we hold ourselves.
On today's episode, we discuss how so many Christians in today's world (social media) are quick to judge those that may be at a different place in their Christian walk than we are. We offer snap judgements and assume that we know their hearts when in reality, we don't.
I'm not a pastor. I'm not trained in theology. I'm terrified of leading anyone astray when it comes to sharing the Bible and how God is working in my life......yet, I am called to do just that. Share. Mentor. Coach. Lead. Encourage.
I think we need to be very careful that "religion" doesn't take the place of faith. It's really easy to call someone out for being "false" when if you really looked, it may be you that's wrong.
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Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
You truly are limitless.
You are not a victim of the past or of other people's opinions.
You are not limited to "what you've always done" or ways you've "failed".
You were created on purpose with a purpose. Living out that purpose all lives within what you think. Your thoughts create your actions which create your outcomes.
You truly are might just have to change your thinking :)
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Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Have you ever had these type of thoughts......
"I'm not good enough"
"My family won't approve"
"I was an unplanned, unwanted pregancy"
"My dad left when I was little and now I feel abandoned"
"I worked in a horrible job and now I don't trust people"
There are many way in which we come to feel unworthy, unwanted, unloved, etc. While the feelings are very real, we don't have to live there. God says that you are chosen, loved, valued, & worthy. If you feel that you get stuck in these areas or any other ways that you feel unworthy, listen in. You don't have to stay stuck there anymore!
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Has there ever been a time in your marriage where what you said was taken the wrong way?
Have you ever fought because of something that won't matter in a week?
If you're really honest with yourself, do you always feel the need to be in control or "right"?
I get it.....boy do I get it. I was at that place myself for an (embarrassingly) LONG time but thankfully, the Lord helped me out of it. If you struggle with this, listen in....this episode is for you!
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Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Are you walking through a hard time in your life?
Are you feeling hopeless or stuck in a cycle of depression, anxiety, fear or lack of purpose/motivation?
If this sounds like you (or someone you know), listen in. Today we are talking about why women that claim Christ shouldn't be living in this state. It's some tough love going on in here today, but I love you too much to let you live in a state that is less than what God died to give you. Please reach out if you or someone you know needs help.
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Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Do you find yourself struggling with being a stay at home mom?
Are your dishes and laundry piling up?
Do you feel like it's been a week since you showered?
In today's episode I'm sharing some ways that maybe you can gain some of your time back. Being a stay at home mom doesn't have to be exhausting and soul sucking. It is possible to actually enjoy being home and *bonus* having some time to do the things you love. If this sounds dreamy to you, listen in!
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Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
If I were to ask you what it is that you wanted out of your life, could you answer me?
Do you feel like your days just fly by in a blur or restlessness, purposelessness, or boredom?
Do you have good intentions to get things accomplished but just never get to it?
Today I am giving you 7 questions to ask yourself that will help you discover what it is that you want and also how to make sure that you are intentional in going after it.
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Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Are you ever irritated with your husband?
Does he ever break plans that you were super excited about?
It's story time today on the podcast. Listen in as I share a time when my husband broke plans and how I reacted. It aint't pretty. But there is always a lesson to be learned and I hope my story helps you next time you find yourself in a hard marriage situation.
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Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Ever feel like you are too much?
Too loud.
Too opinionated.
Just too much of everything?
Me too. This lie has held me back for so long in my life, but no more. My personality is exactly what I need to fulfill my calling and purpose in this life and I'm not shying away from it anymore.
If you feel like you constantly "shut yourself down", listen in. I'm going to help you step into who you've been created to be.
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Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Do you look for quick fixes?
Are you always searching for "how to do something"?
Do you get the answers you're seeking only to not do what they say?
If you are finding yourself on information overload yet you still aren't moving toward accomplishing your goals, you are in good company. We live in a society where how-to's are everywhere and yet so many are still stuck in the same place year after year not ever reaching their goals. If this sounds like you, listen in....I have some easy to implement tips to get you moving in the right direction!
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